Get inspired to create a functional and stylish outdoor living space this summer!
Make your home your happy place this summer with beautiful outdoor living spaces! If spending time outdoors is high on your agenda for the coming months or you are planning for your new home build, we've collected some ideas to help you create inspiring, functional and stylish summer spaces for your home! All images via pinterest.
One of the best things about summer in NZ are those long days, where it doesn't get dark until at least 9pm and eating dinner on the deck becomes the regular. So having a comfortable and functional outdoor setup is essential! We all know the evenings can get a little cooler so an outdoor fire pit is an easy, rustic, mess free way to stay warm outside and linger a little longer on those cooler summer evenings...

You'll also want to feel comfortable and relaxed as you lounge in your backyard during the day, so it's always good to have some comfy outdoor furniture and a little shelter from the elements. Here's some outdoor entertaining spaces perfect for lounging in the sun or having drinks and a platter later in the day with friends and family.

Your outdoor spaces can feel a little 'bare' at first, which is nothing a few pot plants can't fix! Using groupings of pots of different sizes and choosing plants that grow to different heights, or sprawl over the edge, or maybe some scented herbs, creates a cool vibe for any outdoor space. Think of your outdoor space as an extension of your living space.
"Design is coming to grips with one's real lifestyle, one's real place in the world. Rooms should not be put together for show, but to nourish one's wellbeing." - Albert Hall

It's important to create your own sense of place in your home, and when it comes to outdoor spaces an easy way to do this is to allow the natural landscape to dictate your design choices and material. Think about the laid-back, rustic, west coast lifestyle on Rangitahi, and let the beautiful landscape do all the talking...
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