The Principles of Urban Design at Rangitahi
Rangitahi’s vision is to sustain and celebrate Raglan’s dynamic and unique culture. With respect for the natural surroundings, our vision for Urban Design at Rangitahi is one of diversity, much like the people of Raglan, yet still inline with the typical Raglan “village-scape.” In order to create an extension of the existing Raglan community, celebrate local culture and provide a lifestyle close to nature, we have come up with The Principles of Urban design at Rangitahi.
- Collaborative & Quality design
Quality urban design sees buildings, spaces and places not as isolated elements but as part of a whole. A sense of collaboration and cohesiveness should come across in the overall urban design at Rangitahi. Our objective is to showcase high quality houses, streets and public spaces, with a mixture of lot and house sizes and typologies to provide choices and value to the development. All architecture will be reviewed to ensure there is a range of good quality, well-designed contemporary homes for a variety of people and families from different demographics. And to ensure the overall urban design reflects a cohesive, interactive & engaging community environment that responds well to the landscape & embraces the Raglan culture.
- Sustainable development
Rangitahi is committed to energy conservation, encouraging sustainability through quality design. Guidelines will control the quality of the residential development, along with the use of a design review panel to ensure consistency for those purchasing in Rangitahi. Low impact design solutions, alternative energy solutions and rainwater harvesting are 3 important things to consider when building on the peninsula. We believe it's important to preserve the natural & unique environment on Rangitahi, and in New Zealand, by incorporating sustainable or Eco-friendly materials into the urban design wherever possible.
- Respect for land & sea
The urban design at Rangitahi must respect, connect and collaborate with the environment & natural surroundings. It's important to incorporate the land & sea into our urban design as this is core to the Raglan culture and a reflection of its values. This includes the incorporation of outdoor living areas, various forms of planting as well as holistic landscape design. It's important to consider the landscape and natural environment when designing at Rangitahi so to ensure the overall urban design contributes positively to the development and doesn't have a negative impact on the land & sea.
- Architectural diversity
A variety of architectural styles are anticipated and encouraged at Rangitahi, as quality urban design fosters diversity. However an appropriate use of building forms and materials is necessary to ensure that a cohesive and appropriate ‘Raglan’ style is achieved throughout the development. Variation is required through form, roof line, massing, materials, colour and detail, and the architecture in Rangitahi should respond well to the site and positively address the street and surrounding reserves.
- Creativity
Quality urban design encourages creative and innovative approaches. Creativity adds richness and diversity, turns a functional place into a memorable place, and helps create a sense of place. It builds a strong and distinctive local diversity which is integral for the unique Rangitahi culture. It also facilitates new ways of thinking, and willingness to think through problems afresh. A creative approach is key to working with the different sized sections and the slope at Rangitahi. Ultimately creative urban design supports a dynamic urban cultural life and fosters strong urban identities.
- Sense of place
Creating a sense of place and community at Rangitahi is important to ensure a safe, vibrant and friendly neighbourhood. The urban design at Rangitahi should be one that is welcoming and cohesive, facilitating social inclusiveness and community comradeship. One way to create a sense of place at Rangitahi is by celebrating the landscape, to facilitate connections between the people and the place. Celebrating important places and reflecting local identity make for urban areas that are special, and by ensuring this is done at Rangitahi we are creating our own unique sense of place.
You can view or download the Rangitahi Design Guidelines here. Or if you're interested in purchasing or looking at one of our available sections on Rangitahi, book a site visit with us! We'd be happy to show you our piece of paradise.